The magical Monsoon rains, rain in general, bring life to all who are fortunate to experience her beauty. All life forms are awakened and rescued from the torturous summer heat, being nourished, rejuvenated, and hydrated as this life-giving clear liquid falls from the skies.  The sound of raindrops, light or heavy, dropping on parched earth, roofs or objects have a soporific effect on the mind and positively have a marked effect on all the senses. When the sights, sounds and smells of the season are carefully combined with a myriad of amazing aromas from, essential oils, safely diffused into the home, bring about powerful therapeutic effects from grounding to invigorating, from balancing to spiritual awareness, tranquillity and peace.

Have you ever wondered why some aromas make you feel good?  Our sense of smell (olfaction) was one of the earliest senses to arise in evolution.  In humans and animals alike, olfaction evokes, more than any other sense, emotional reactions resulting in strong behavioural changes.  Memories of odours carry deep and emotionally rich associations and when added to the beautiful sights, sounds and smells of the monsoon rains and pleasant music coupled with ambient lighting the ‘positive effect’ of a beautiful aroma is amplified.

I would like to recommend three oils and blends, breaking the day into three distinct parts. Our moods and emotions change as the day progresses, the weather is no exception, we both blow hot and cold, become angry and aggressive then calm and relaxed, our emotions are intrinsically linked to the weather and its different phases.


Awakened from your slumber by a fresh down pour from outside, create an invigorating environment within to freshen and enliven the mind. Add 3 to 4 drops of pure lemon Essential oil into a diffuser in the bedroom as preparing to dress for the day ahead. The fragrance as it infuses the air will uplift spirits and clear the mind of negative thoughts. As you flow from room to room continue diffusing Lemon through breakfast up until after lunch. To make a personalised fragrant aroma, blend 1 drop of Red Mandarin, one of Lemon and two of Grapefruit to the diffuser, as the rain nourishes the vegetation outside the fresh citrusy fragrance will nourish the mind body and soul from within.


From 2 pm until late evening it is the turn of the woody aromas, harvested from sustainable forests where trees stand tall statuesque and proud. Holistic Aromatherapist believe if an oil comes from strong powerful plants, when they surrender their oil, they surrender their strength, faith, trust, conviction, and confidence to the environment and those who use them. Add three to four drops of Himalayan Cedarwood to a diffuser in the living room or study, enjoy its emotional boosting qualities as life outside is nourished, hydrated, and cleansed.

To make a personalised fragrant aroma, blend two drops of Himalayan Cedarwood, one of Cypress, one Pine Needle to a diffuser. As the rain nourishes the vegetation outside, the woodiness of the blend nourishes and strengthens the mind body and soul from within.


From 8 pm right up until retiring to bed simply diffuse Vetiver Known in India as Khus, the oil of tranquillity and its ability to cool. The exhausting humidity, heat and constant damp drain the energy from within, vetiver nourishes the mind body and soul cooling as it works its magic. Add three to four drops to a diffuser in both the living and bedrooms.

To make a personalised fragrant aroma, blend two drops of Vetiver or Khus and one drop of Lemon and one drop of Bergamot to a diffuser. As the rain lashes the outside of the home, vetiver will envelope the  emotions, cooling and grounding the mind and body, lemon cleansing and cutting through the chatter of the day, whilst uplifting and clearing the mind of negativity whilst the sedative properties of Bergamot sends all who inhale its aroma into a deep delicious sleep, aided by the soporific sound of raindrops on the roof.

Safety information

  1. Do not use undiluted directly on the skin unless for a specific spot treatment prescribed by an Aromatherapist. It is suggested using no more than 1 % dilution to be totally safe from any side effects whilst still enjoying the therapeutic benefits of an oil.
  2. Do not take internally (ingestion).
  3. Do not use or diffuse during pregnancy without advice from a qualified Aromatherapist. Without wishing to cause alarm, the reason for this is that during pregnancy the body is in a sensitive state of balance, and a discussion with a qualified person may prevent using an oil that upsets this balance.
  4. Do not use on or diffuse around young babies without advice from a qualified Aromatherapist. Young babies will often benefit sufficiently by a light massage using vegetable oil alone.
  5. Avoid contact with the eyes. Essential oils will sting, and some may even cause damage to the cornea.
  6. Do not use with, or in place of, medication without qualified professional advice.
  7. Do not exceed recommended dilutions (twice as much will not work twice as well).
  8. Do not insert into the ear canal.
  9. For inhalation, do not use boiling water, instead use hot tap water.
  10. If essential oils cause irritation, dizziness or burning in the eyes immediately stop use.
  11. When using a tradition diffuser with a tea lite, never leave unattended, let the water dry or spill on furniture.
  12. When diffusing oils, it is good to give a day’s break after continuous usage of more than a week to avoid sensitivity to an oil. It is not advisable to use the same oil or blend continuously for months on end, give a break and substitute for an alternative oil.

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